Moderate Drinking Might Slow Rheumatoid Arthritis Progression? Sign me up!

According to Reuters Health, recent studies support that moderate drinking may slow the progression of Rheumatoid Arthritis. A study of 2,908 Swiss RA patients followed for 4 years indicated less joint damage amongst people consuming one drink per day than their non-drinking counterparts. Who would have thought? I’ve been trying to convince my Rheumatologist to pass me the bottle for years! Can Reuters please call her ASAP? 

To drink or not to drink? That IS the question. All jokes aside, this issue is overwhelmingly confusing.  We’ve heard both sides of the debate a million times. Most rheumatologists will tell you that alcohol will poison you to death while many scientific studies seem to prove otherwise. OK, that’s a bit dramatic but seriously, which is it?! If I’m working out regularly and eating my fruits and veggies, can an innocent glass of wine with dinner be all that terrible?


3 thoughts on “Moderate Drinking Might Slow Rheumatoid Arthritis Progression? Sign me up!

  1. Just to be clear, the article i sourced in this blog said DO NOT drink HEAVILY if you have RA because it actually progresses joint damage, but the study found that drinking moderately (ie. 1x per day) can actually slow the damage caused by RA. It did not address the liver damage often associated with methotrexate and drinking, but if you’re not on methotrexate… I say cheers to some red wine!


  2. l suffer from r a and have done for many years.Having a bad episode over the past few days,the pain restrictions make me angry,can’t function well,not sleeping well cos of pain and if manage to dose off wake in doc indicted that wines not good tho got a bit of relief from a glass a day,tho docs words haunted me so gave up the wine.just had a small bottle of guiness,looks healthy,wondering how this night will be.


    1. Hi Edith – Thanks for your comment. Have you ever tried Magnelevures? My doctor recently recommended that I dissolve a packet of this in a glass of water before bead each night and I’ve been sleeping like a baby ever since. I’d definitely recommend it. Good luck and I hope you are feeling great!


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